the way people are ready and willing to support others and sacrifice their time energy and money sometimes blows me away.
if only we were willing to do that more often to people who we don't know that well. that can be harder and yet can make a really big impact in lives. when some one willingly sacrifices for another person that is the kind of stuff that people remember for a long time.
we don't remember what people say but their actions and their character more than anything. people are attracted to those who are not selfish and willingly sacrifice for others. it's rarely seen today and we remember it when others do things for us that cost them something. Big or small, we remember.
if only we were willing to do that more often to people who we don't know that well. that can be harder and yet can make a really big impact in lives. when some one willingly sacrifices for another person that is the kind of stuff that people remember for a long time.
we don't remember what people say but their actions and their character more than anything. people are attracted to those who are not selfish and willingly sacrifice for others. it's rarely seen today and we remember it when others do things for us that cost them something. Big or small, we remember.
Awesome blog. I've heard plenty of people say "I have nothing to give". I think in most cases that it's not that we have nothing to give; its that we are unwilling to give it.
Everyone has something to give, even if it's just time. Sacrifices aren't easy - they can make us uncomfortable; but they can also make someones day, or radically change their life.
Often we are so focused on ourselves that we fail to see things that are affecting other peoples worlds. We can focus so much on what makes us feel good or bad without ever realising what is happening around us.
You're right, people see our actions, a willingness and our character. When people see this they are naturally intrigued to find out whats different about us.
In the end our actions can be like a ripple in a still pond, it starts of with a small stone, but after no time the ripples have covered the entire surface.
switch, at 10:43 PM
i like how you think switch.
when we are too focussed inward on ourselves it can be dangerous and hurt others as we are just content on achieveing what we set out to do that we hurt others in the proccess and don't ever relise it.
when we take time and look up and outward we can learn compassion, have sympathy for others and then people are attracted to us to what is on the inside.
when we sacrifice people want to know what it is that makes us willing to. how we can give and what it is that we are givning. it's often more than just ourselves that we're giving but the love of Jesus.
Cara, at 10:52 PM
That's all true.
An inward attraction is started by an outward showing of compassion, love or kindness. Because a lot of people are thinking only of themselves, this sort of an act can come as a surprise or shock to them.
We have the potential to be the most influential people on the planet, but until we sacrifice something we need, so that someone else might be better off, and until we can give to help others - then we will never reach it.
We weren't born to be passive, we were meant to be difference makers, influencers. I know I often fall short of this. Too often I sit back and let stuff happen or hold my tongue when something needs to be said.
switch, at 11:06 PM
Top Blog! Watching people who fail to sacrafrice has made me ask which is worse: to sacrafrice everything or to sacrafrice nothing. (again extremes aren't always good) but i do think it's far worse to never sacrafrice.
I know a lot of people who keep their money, guard their time and only do the things that they want to why arn't they happy. The things they often feel best about are things they've done for others.
sacrafrice bring it on
Trav, at 1:42 AM
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