The World According to Cara

Friday, June 29, 2007


As soon as you start looking for the easy option out as a leader, you've lost it. Step down and let someone else step up.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

5 things i dig about God

1. That He is both close by and far away. Nothing escapes Him.

2. That He is my tower of protection. I'm safe with Him.

3. My God is trustworthy and in control.

4. I have all i need in my God. He is a Father, a friend, a teacher...

5. My God loves me like no other. This love is not just talked about but displayed in all His actions in the bible and in my life.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

what are you hungry for?

we hunger for what we feed on.

this is true in both the physical and the spiritual.

if you feed on junk physically that is what you will hunger for. for example, if eat fast food and other junk this is what you will crave and then suffer the consequences of. if you feed on fruit and vegetables and other healthy foods this is what you will seek when hungry.

when taking a spiritual perspective, we either feed on the things of the world, or the things of God. we either hunger for Gods word and His presence, or for worldly things such as possessions, what we see on television, gossip and those sorts of things.

you choose what you fill up on and then how healthy you will be.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

in the real world

In the real world you are not the reason people feel the way they do. You are not the reason people behave the way they do.

In the real world you are not your feelings. It is not true just because you feel it. God gave us feelings to help us make decisions. But at the end of the day your feelings are your servants not your master.

In the real world you are allowed to make mistakes. One mistake does not make you a failure.

In the real world you can not predict the future.

In the real world you are not the one to decide what things mean. That's God's job and when He had finished creating everything he said it was good.

Paul taught us that mankind loses tough with reality when he removes God from his thinking.

This is from my dads book 'The Gumtree Pulpit'. thought it was interesting enough to blog.