are you saved?
if you make a decision to follow God, but nothing changes, are you really saved and going to heaven?
the bible says to believe, and when interpreted from the original language means to believe and obey. to me this suggests that something will change in our lives when we do make a decision and believe and confess God as Lord and Saviour seeking to do His will.
any thoughts?
the bible says to believe, and when interpreted from the original language means to believe and obey. to me this suggests that something will change in our lives when we do make a decision and believe and confess God as Lord and Saviour seeking to do His will.
any thoughts?
We're not saved by anything that we "do", yet if we're not "working out our salvation" I would question whether our commitment was heartfelt. Make sense???
Steff, at 4:17 PM
Hi Cara, looks like I'm entering the world of blogging! :)
I was reading this morning 1 John 2. Vs's 4 - 6 -
If someone claims, "I know him well!" but doesn't keep his commandments, he's obviously a liar. His life doesn't match his words. But the one who keeps God's word is the person in whom we see God's mature love. This is the only way to be sure we're in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.
I agree with Steff, it's not what we do that earns our salvation, but our lives demonstrating our love for Him.
Steve, at 3:49 PM
Very exciting to see Steve has converted to blogging, but without a blog its hard to decide whether he's a true disciple.
hint: looking forward to reading your blog, myspace and facebook in the future Steve.
Trav, at 6:23 PM
yeah i have thought about that. cos if it's our works that display our salvation then we are not saved by grace, but works and what Jesus did on the cross wouldn't be neccessary. but our actions through obeying God are rather important also displaying our relationship with Him.
if we do not obey God we are lacking the fear of God.
Cara, at 7:48 PM
Hey Cara,
I finished reading your Dad's book and posted a review here.
Susan Barnes, at 9:30 PM
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