The World According to Cara

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

martial arts....?

what's your opinion on martial arts???

martial arts have all sorts of uses and beliefs associated with them, now and through the past. some have their leader that they bow down to, some channel inner energy, funky breathing exercises and many other weired things... parents encourage their children to take part in them for fitness reasons, to encourage discipline aspects of it in their kids and other reasons whatever they may be.

does it depend on the persons attitude toward what they're doing? for example, if a person is using martial arts for fitness or for personal safety does that make it ok for that person to practice that martial art?

some martial arts have a strange history and bad stuff associated with them and does that carry through to today influencing those who practice it?

i do believe that the person teaching the martial art will affect their students and their opinion of what they're doing. the teachers beliefs will influence how they instruct their students, what they expect from them and their practices, which then in turn will have an affect their students.

so are martial arts ok? is it ok for people (or Christians) to practice them, even for fitness reasons?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


so, lately lots has been happening in the world that we could consider it as an unsafe place to be. there was the stabbing of a university student in Bundoora, shootings in America, and i guess anyone could name many many more so that we all would be shaking in our boots. any of these types of stories are enough to make us feel scared, afraid, alone and rather unsafe...

are we safe in this world?

well i thought about it and then i looked at the life that Jesus lived and how he lived.
for example, in the middle of storm Jesus is taking a nap while his disciples are rather unnerved. Jesus did get 'troubled'. he didn't go through his life without experiencing difficulties, but he always knew he was safe. the whole of Jesus' life people were trying to kill him. fancy living your life with people trying to trick you and kill you everyday. but Jesus knew that God was with him and continued on his mission.

then other events in the bible such as the fiery furnace. at a time when Shadrach, Meshack and Abendigo could have been destroyed they were protected and perfectly safe.
when Daniel was thrown into the Lions den, he was perfectly safe and he could have been devoured.
the Israelites were being chased by the Egyptians and had the terrible prospect of being taken as slaves or killed and they were protected by God as he made a way for them.

so many examples in the bible of the possibilities of dire consequences that turn out to show how God is protecting us and keeping us safe.

the world is a safe place to be.

'Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me' psalm 23:4

'whoever trusts in the Lord is safe' proverbs 29:25

' you dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you in greater than the one who is in the world' 1 john 4:4

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


do you remember your dreams???

i do. and usually in great detail. it's great. i love dreams, they're so entertaining!

when I'm stressed, excited, upset i dream even more.

lately I've been dreaming lots and lots about kids4life. but there have been people in them who i haven't seen or heard from in a long long time. it's just strange.

I've been dreaming about messy houses, waterfalls and I'm riding down the waterfall (that was fun), kids4life activities and talks. i find it all exciting and interesting.

do you dream? remember your dreams? dream in colour? in detail?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


A man lay on his deathbed, in the final hours of life, when he
called for those attending him to summon his doctor and his
lawyer. The two gentlemen duly arrived and were invited to
sit, one on each side of the bed. The dying man lay back
peacefully. After some minutes, the doctor spoke. `Well.
What is it you have called us here to do?' `Yes' added the
lawyer `we can't sit here all day, time is money.' The dying
man, now barely able to raise his voice above a whisper,
answered `Gentlemen, the good Lord died between two thieves.
I wanted to do likewise.'

i found this while trying to find relevant journal articles for an assignment and thought it was funny... hehehe :) it brightened up the assignment process of stuff.