do you think that people can be rich, powerful and famous and still be humble???
does God call some people to be poor and others to be rich???
does God want us to have more stuff/money/power???
does God call some people to be poor and others to be rich???
does God want us to have more stuff/money/power???
1. I think King David was humble, most of the time, and he was rich, powerful and famous (2 Samuel 7:18-21).
2. Some are given ten talents, some one.
3. I think God likes to bless us (sometimes with physcial blessings more often with spiritual blessings) but He is much more concern about our hearts, our attitudes, our motives and these often block the blessings God would like to give us.
Susan Barnes, at 3:35 AM
This sounds like the coversation from masterlife during the week
Craig, at 4:55 AM
craig - it is i'm still thinking about it.
Susan - king David also murdered someone and committed adultery.
did the power and influence go to his head?
others like King Neb had to be taught to be humble by having it all taken off them.
Cara, at 7:52 PM
I think that God intended for everyone to be equally prosperous, and for nobody to have power over anybody else. The Tanakh contains a heap of laws (eg. Leviticus 25) that were supposed to counteract against the systems that work to concentrate power and wealth among just a few people. I think economic systems work like that because our sin (eg. greed, laziness, impatience) stops them from working fairly, as God intended them to.
So I also don't think that God intends for some people to be rich and some to be poor.
I think that if someone is humble, that their humility will bring them to resdistribute their wealth among those who need it, and to give up power that they have over others.
Christop, at 1:10 AM
i found this last night
proverbs 22.4 - respecting the Lord and not being proud will bring you wealth, honour and life.
Cara, at 6:56 PM
Yeah, the book of Proverbs has a lot of wisdom in it which is good to consider, but if read it as doctrine there's bits you can use to support pretty much any belief or action.
Christop, at 4:44 AM
Matt 23:11
The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Jesus makes this reference in Luke 14 and Luke 18.
I think God gives and takes away life, money and power and i think he chooses to give it to those who are humble
Trav, at 3:50 PM
I think people who have little can have that little 'go to their heads' just as much as people who have much. Like Susan was saying, and like with everything, it's about your heart, not what you've got.
I think God gives people things as he wants them to serve him with them. Again, it's our heart: are we using what we've been giving, or are we seeking to get more stuff? Everywhere in the Bible I see verses about not setting your heart on wealth or selfish ambition, which probably needs to be a constant reminder for people who live in the West. We make such a fuss about whether we have stuff or not (or whether we should have stuff or not!) when maybe all we need to do is keep our focus true, be content in where we've been placed, and get on with life!
Miss C, at 5:09 PM
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